This past weekend, in trend with the previous couple months of weekends, was...(wait for it). Busy. Shocking, I know. Thing is, for this little introvert a lot of busy goes a long way. I'm ready for a bit of a break before things pick up again.
What, you may ask, has kept me so busy this last weekend? Disney. Well, Disneyland to be exact. One of my good friends from college was down visiting family and friends in L.A., she was also visiting Disneyland frequently. So, Friday I went to Disney with her and we stayed from 10:30 a.m. to 1 a.m. Yeah, we shut it down.
Saturday was spent running errands. I had my therapy session, had to pick up some things from temptation Target, and then had a 5k scavenger hunt in Downtown L.A. at 8 p.m.
You heard me, 5k. The running part wasn't the part that had me freaking out with worry. I've been going to the gym and liking it, it was the scavenger hunt part. My anxiety/O.C.D. had me convinced that I would be a terrible teammate. I would let my fellow seekers down, I would slow the team up, I wouldn't be able to contribute anything useful, I would be dead weight or worse, a hindrance. I wasn't any of those terrible things. By the end though, I was done. There is only so much looking for things that I can't find before I get fed up, apathetic, and overwhelmed. It was fun though, and we got to dress up in awesome neon clothes and bedeck ourselves in glow sticks.
Sunday, The Boyfriend and I returned to Disneyland with my friend, her baby, her sister-in-law, and the sister-in-law's boyfriend. It was a good group, Disneyland was less busy than expected, and we had an amazing time. It was 98 degrees and sunny, for this little Lupus girl, sunburn=death, so I was covered in sunscreen. Even then, the heat got to me about mid-day and I simply couldn't think. Thankfully I was revived with ice cream, air conditioning and water.
I never knew I liked Disney so much, it must be a reflection of the people I went with.
So, that was the whirlwind weekend. This weekend is just appointments and watching movies. Then next weekend is The Boyfriend's birthday. We're going to Catalina Island for the weekend, and it will be amazing.
Felix and I had the same sentiment on Monday, when it was time to go to work...
There was definitely no reason for you to be worried about the scavenger hunt. I knew you'd be awesome at helping figure things out and keep us moving fast. Sorry I wasn't more help with finding things and sending us in the correct direction. Heh.
ReplyDeleteYou were perfect. the best team leader. it was my own crazy masking things more tense than they needed to be. thank you for being team leader. I did have fun, even if it looked like I wasn't.