So, it's The Boyfriend's birthday on Sunday. He already knows what all his presents are because I'm horrible at keeping secrets when I'm really excited about something. Whatever.
On Tuesday, I made him his birthday "cake". I say cake with quotation marks because it was really more of a birthday cookie and brownie combination. I made him piranha flower cookies. They looked like this.
It was actually pretty easy. Betty Crocker sugar cookie mix made for cut out cookies (already on the package), a circle cookie cutter, a heart cookie cutter (I used the point of the heart to cut out the mouth), a leaf cookie cutter (I made one out of a folded strip of tinfoil), brownie mix. A neat little trick? The triangle that is cut out of the circle, use that to sandwich the cookie pop stick between the cookie and that little cut out piece. (stolen from the internet totally my idea)
Then frost, make brownies and stick everything in the brownies.

They are way to delicious for their own good...and my own good.

The Boyfriend and I are going to Avalon on Catalina Island for the weekend. We're taking the ferry over tomorrow night and staying until Sunday. It's going to be amazing and wonderful and relaxing.
Felix will be spending her weekend at a cat house (for actual cats, not a euphemism for prostitutes). I'm hoping that she'll have so much fun playing with the toys and being loved on by the staff due to her adorableness that she won't be too traumatized by the whole event.

It will be so nice just to get away for a little bit.

P.S. She does this just about every morning as I'm getting ready - lays across the toilet tank and rests her head on the toilet paper roll like a pillow.
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