Wednesday, September 12, 2012

A Quiet Riot

So, last week the Meyers Briggs test circulated among my facebook friends to see which type of people we are. I think the results are correct to a point, but it's also nearly impossible to put anyone into categories. It is possible to group similar people, so here are my results.


Introvert(100%) iNtuitive(25%) iNtuitive Thinking(1%) Judging(33%)

You have strong preference of Introversion over Extraversion (100%)

You have moderate preference of Intuition over Sensing (25%)

You have marginal or no preference of Thinking over Feeling (1%)

You have moderate preference of Judging over Perceiving (33%)

So, I guess there's no denying my introverted qualties...I mathematically cannot be more of an introvert.

I've also started reading Quiet: The Power Of Introverts In A World That Can't Stop Talking which is an amazing book. It discusses the awesomeness of introverts in history and the amazing qualities that are so valuable to society. It's sort of great to be told in a book that it's okay to be who I always was...a person drawn to libraries and stories and blanket forts solitude.

But, just because I will take a book over a party any day, does not mean I'm boring. I have a spark for mischief that cannot be contained. I'm no prankster and I never was the class clown, but I always have a witty comeback and there might be a trick or two up my sleeves.

My style is something I've lovingly called "the quiet riot". I find joy in subtle jokes, small things that when noticed make one's day just a little better.

I prefer things like, putting googly eyes on the plants at work.

It's possible that sometimes, a squeaker will find it's way into The Boyfriend's bag that he takes to work. That plan worked out even better, because I thought he would discover it before we left in the morning. He found it when he got to work. Bonus points. I mean, I have no idea how the squeaker got in there.

Sometimes, the anonymous things I do may or may not have a slight passive aggressive tone to them.

Like today, I might (though there is no proof) have posted this blog in both of the stalls in the bathroom at work. Maybe, but you can't prove a thing.

If nobody else finds any of this amusing, I at least do. My own little fight against the boring normal...without drawing too much attention to myself, because that gives me even more anxiety than I currently have.

You don't have to be the life of the party to have fun. If you want to read a book rather than go out clubbing, then do it. Whatever makes you happy. Just make sure that you take a little time to add a little spice to the day...and maybe someone else's, too.

Let's crank this quiet riot up!

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