Well what's left of it anyway.
(Obligitory acknowledgement of not posting in a month; in part of my defense, February was a short month)
What has been going on...February was a chaotic mix of the One Year anniversary of The Boyfriend and I on the 8th, Valentine's day on the 14th (I gave The Boyfriend a Valentine made out of a paper doily and the 10th Doctor's sonic screwdriver), Gallifrey One (The LA Doctor Who Convention) from the 14th through the 17th which is just essentially 4 days of drinking while wearing Doctor Who themed costumes in a hotel full of nerds (bliss), the Harry Potter Pub Crawl on the night of the 17th (more drinking in costume with nerds) and then recovering from all of that.
Here we are in March.
The past few weeks have sort of been a field day for the anxiety for some reason, so I've been turning to other things to help ease my troubled mind. One of them is joining a gym.
Joining a what?
Gym, I joined a gym. The thing is, a bit ago, I realized that I didn't quite hate running with that deep burning passion that I thought I did. So I started jogging at night (in my home town of 4000 people, in the summer, it was totally safe). Then I moved to California, and it became harder to find places to run, because I didn't want people watching me. (I use the term Running loosely, mostly it's walking with some spurts of jogging and a lot of feeling like I'm dying)
I used to bike to and from work, then I moved in with The Boyfriend, and now I can take public transportaion with ease, so I do. Oddly enough, running sort of helps shut the crazy up a little bit, or at least tires me out.
After months of being soul mates friends with this girl at work, who goes to a gym near work every day, it dawned on me that I too, could go to that gym instaead of trying to work up the courage to join a sketchy gym in Hollywood where I live. Seriously, this realization took me months.
So I joined last week, have gone "running" there 3 times and like it.
The other thing that I have gained immense pleasure from are memes. I know the pronunciation is different for each person, but I go by "meem". I digress.
Personal favorites are:
The Boyfriend and I have been using this one for EVERYTHING lately.

I read this one in the voice of Christian Bale's version of Batman.

And now you will, too.
Robin is my favorite superhero.

I like the cleverness of these.


This is my current desktop image, makes me smile. (ironically)

What are some of your favorites?
P.S. I tried to get this one to catch on, but it never did. :(
Hilarious T-Rex (because what if T-Rexs weren't violent, just liked good jokes?)
Awww, I feel so honored to be mentioned in your AMAZE-BALLS Blog! The Gym is a wonderful haven to release all our crazies...Congrats for coming on board. Zumba here we come!
ReplyDeleteI only mention AMAZE-BALLS things on my blog, so naturally you would make the cut.
DeleteYay gyms, I can't wait to Zumba with you.