If I had an inclination to be a college professor, give a college lecture, or even talk to more than five people at a time; I would like to discuss this topic.
My friend and work and I sort of stumbled upon this topic the other day and I would like to explore it with you.
The Social Psychology of my Favorite Childhood Television Shows (is what the title of my dissertation would be)
For the sake of length and time and my attention span, we'll only cover three shows. The Weekenders (not as pwell known), Recess, and The Magic School Bus.
Article One - The Weekenders.

A group of four (7th graders) friends live for the adventures of the weekend, when they are free to skateboard and hang out at the arcade. Tino, the main character, lives at home with his single mother. Always sums up the show Doogie Howser style with a moral centered lesson and the phrase "Later days!". Carver, the token african american kid, into skateboarding. Tish, the nerdy girl with glasses. Lor, the tomboy with 12 older brothers.
Let's look at a hypothesis of their further social standings and their predicted social climb in life.
Carver's ambition is to be one of the cool kids, implying that this foursome is not "cool". Tish definitely not, I mean, she plays the dulcimer. Lor is too athletic to care and Tino just sort of is himself; sarcastic and witty and kind of a nerd anyway. (No wonder I liked these characters so much).
Projected social climb.
Tino: In high school he will most likely steer clear of the popular bubble, but definitely be on the fringes. His wit and sarcasm will at least get him on the radar. Generally he will not strive for popularity, though it may just come to him. After high school: he'll be reasonably popular and social among his friends and peers, that funny/smart guy at the party. His social time is definitely after high school.
Tish: Nerd forever! Yes! She is perfectly content with that and fully embraces it. Done and done, a girl after my own heart. Probably end up at an ivy league school and study something obscure and sciency...music theory or psychology. Definitly will end up with a doctorate.
Carver: Desperately trying for popularity and/or fame. I see him going one of two ways: he either becoems popular in high school (through his current love of fashion) and leaves his current friends for the popular crowd OR he tries and fails, staying with his friends. Then once out of high school he tries again for fame, quite possibly as a fashion designer, we'll probably see him later on Project Runway.
Lor: She'll blend seamlessly into the girl jock vein of popularity once in high school. Perhaps she'll still accociate with her current friends on the weekends, but there will be a lot of games and practices she'll have to go to. I'm sure her friends will be there to cheer her on. After school, she'll either become a personal trainer or a stay at home mom.
High School Assessment: This group will have to fight to stay together as their different passions try to pull them in other directions. I forsee some new group members joining as others drift away.
Article Two - Recess.

This cast of characters is well known to many. TJ, Gretchen, Mikey, Spinelli, Gus, and Vince. I loved this show, an exact opposite of my 4th grade experience (but that's another blog for another time). Let's break it down.
Projected Social Climb:
T.J.: The ringleader, the loyal friend, the trouble-maker. Charasmatic and a mind for plans and schemes, but a heart of gold. Again, not the most popular kid in school (The Ashleys take that position), but definitely well known and over all liked. In high school he'll probably rise in popularity, as the class clown and the go-to guy for pranks. After school will be much of the same, the loyalty to his friends will remain his strongest aspect.
Gretchen: The brainy nerd. Also, she is wicked with a yo-yo. High school will see her thrive in academics, and obviously some top rate college. Another girl that will end up with a doctorate. Smart girls rock! But yeah, never gonna be cool in the main stream society.
Mikey: This kid is going to struggle unless his high school has a wicked awesome musical theatre program. He'd do best in an arts high school, where his poetry, dramatic flair and singing prowess can really shine. Look out drama department in college, this kid is gonna rock that stage and slam poetry events. Life after school is whatever artist path Mikey follows, or he'll end up working in an office and secretly writing poetry for readings in dim coffee shops.
Spinelli: The tough-guy, tomboy. Clearly not caring for popularity, she'll do her own thing. She'll spend most of her high school days in the auto shop, but secretly take art classes (she's awesome, but only creates art to let off steam) After school I envision her doing something involving art and motors...some sort of car engine art that will be super chic. Or working as an auto mechanic, where her tough-guy routine can be appreciated by the guys.
Gus: A scrawny, army brat. Once he hits a growth spurt and spends some time in the gym, he'll totally rock the muscular jock vibe. A good heart, he'll stay true to his friends, but his passion is clearly in the military like his father. Never really popular, but never really caring. He'll go into the armed forces after high school and be determined to set his own name apart from the shadow of his father's.
Vince: Jock in high school. Most definitely. He'll slip right into the popular jock crowd. The Ashleys will most likely blend into that group as well. I'm sure the rest of the gang will go to his games and he'll try and keep ties with them. His teammates will become closer though. After school he'll probably get a scholarship somewhere and end up state level athletic something, if not professional.
High School Assessment: The group will most likely stay pretty much intact, each exploring their own interests more, but having the core friendships to come back too.
Article Three - The Magic School Bus

Going back to about 3rd grade, I'd guess. This is apparently a special class, as there are only seven to nine kids in the class. We'll cover the eight main students; Ralphie, Wanda, Carlos, Phoebe, Dorthy Ann, Keesha, Tim, and Arnold. "Popularity" is difficult to determin in this small class and at this age, but I'll do my best. Also, this isn't so much a close group of friends, as it is a group of close classmates.
Projected Social Climb:
Ralphie: The class clown and athlete. Somewhat reluctant on adventures, "Is it just me or..." In high school he'll most likely focus on sports, not a super athlete, but not terrible. May become a little more popular with the jock and class clown routine down. After school, I see kid's coach.
Wanda: A bit of a tomboy, a bit bossy. She's famous for "What are we gonna do? What are we gonna do? What are we gonna do?!" If she doesn't tone it down in high school, she's going to abuse her type A personality. She may get into the popular kids by force and by taking leadership, but otherwise she'll just be the group project leader. After school will be her time, I see bank manager or some sort of manager.
Carlos: I always had a soft spot for Carlos, must have been the bad puns that got me. He definitely just wants to get in there and experience whatever is happening. High School will be good for him, easy going and perhaps a little better appreciation of his wit. Famous for "insert bad pun here. Get it?" After school he'll do something where he can interact with a lot of people and situations.
Phoebe: She probably has the best chance for popularity outside the classroom. Famous for the "At my old school..." sentence. If she can get over her old school, she'll easily slip into that smart, popular girl role. Definitely class president, leader of the feed the homeless food drive, and honor student material. As an adult she'll probably found a school for underprivliged kids or something, or principal at her old school.
Dorthy Ann: Classic nerd girl know-it-all. Think Hermione before Harry and Ron's influence. Famous for saying "According to my research..." She'll probably focus too much on school for popularity, but I could see her being brought in. Every popular group needs the kid that has their homework for the week finished on Monday. Darn useful, that kid is. College professior is in her future.
Keesha: Definitely material for popularity here. Levelheaded, but also strong in her opinions. Famous for "Oh, bad, oh, bad, oh, bad bad bad." She's well liked and fairly easy going, but will totally take you out if you cross her path. She'll fit right in with the popular kids. She'll end up manager of an office somewhere.
Tim: Easily overlooked, quiet, observant, and artistic. He is usually drawing something. Famous for saying "We've been Frizzled." He'll rock the high school and college art programs. Not in for popularity, but definitely in for the art scene. He'll probably be a comic book artist as an adult.
Arnold: Nerd. Red hair and glasses does not do any favors for popularity. Sorry, kid. Famous for always saying,"I should have stayed home today." in light of any field trip. A little reluctant, but loyal when the going gets tough. High school will be a little test of character, but he'll survive. College he can surround himself with geology students. His aunt is an archeologist, so he'll most likely follow in her footsteps. Not too much adventure and a lot of time dusting rocks.
BONUS - Mrs. Frizzle as a kid: Eccentric. Obviously. She was that weird kid daydreaming and wondering off at strange times, only to come back with fantastic and unbelieveable stories of her whereabouts. DIdn't need a lot of people growing up when she had adventure. Possibly home-schooled or boarding school.
High School Assessment: The class will ultimately be broken up as they grow, but in the halls they'll still catch each other's eye and know what they had been through in elementary school.
Finally Summary:
These shows mostly made me want a group of close friends to get into pranks and adventures with. I don't think many of them were the most popular in school because more kids could identify with that average every-kid sort of thing.
Besides, what is popularity anyway? I know in high school it's infinitely important, but in real life, not so much. All these average any-kids will probably turn into good adults. Their quirks and interests will only make them more awesome later.
With a few good friends at your side, anything is possible and happiness is assured.
This is completely amazing, and I wish it was real.