I think we can all agree that it would be nice to have more weekend, especially when it was as nice and fun and fantastic as the past weekend was.
I got a hotel and took The Boyfriend to Avalon, Catalina Island for his birthday on Sunday. We arrived Friday night to a beautiful moonrise.
Got some dinner, a drink, and then pretty much just fell asleep because we were exhausted. Earlier that day I took Felix to the vet to get a check up so that she could go to a cat house (yes, I do know what that implies) and hang out with new friends for the weekend. She was less than thrilled with the entire prospect.
Anyway, Saturday was filled with relaxing and awesome stuff. Mini golf (I totally won), Skee Ball in the arcade, ice cream, bowling, and general walking around seeing the beautiful wonderful relaxingness.
Sunday we packed up and headed home. We got Felix from her kitty camp, she was grateful to leave, and went out for an actual dinner birthday for The Boyfriend. It was nice just to get away and have a day where the only things on the schedule were to eat ice cream and play mini golf.
Monday I got glasses and did laundry, yay! Technically I've had glasses since I was 2.5 years old, but I then got contacts when I was 11 and swore to never wear glasses again. Until the eye doctor told me my eyes were angry because of the extended contact use and I should take a break. Also, I think they're kind of fun, like playing dress up. So I've been getting used to them this week. I think I'm starting to like them on me, after 16 years of vowing vengeance upon wearing glasses.
Maybe one of us should have a birthday every weekend... Definitely something to look into.
I hope your Memorial Day weekends were relaxing and rejuvenating as well.
Sidenote: Felix does seem to like us more now, she is also slightly more naughty, but she purrs a lot and follows us EVERYWHERE. Maybe she missed us... The Boyfriend suggested that maybe she had Stockholm syndrome in that if we are not threatening to break her legs or give her to passing gypsies, she does not know if we love her.
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