Tuesday, April 9, 2013

A Very Merry Un-Birthday!!

This past weekend The Boyfriend, Cupcake Friend, and I went to the Natural History Museum in L.A. This is one of my favorite places ever. I mean, dinosaur fossils, animal dioramas from just about every continent, a polar bear that you can actually hug, and stuff about archeology. Nerdy dreams do come true! Anyway, we all went because Cupcake Friend will be out of town for my birthday party at LACMA, so we did an un-birthday museum party.

Here are some pictures. Sometimes I take a lot of pictures of EVERYTHING, but this time I just wanted to be there with my friends.

Yes, my shirt does say "all my friends are dead". It seemed appropriate and one of the museum workers said my shirt was awesome.

There was an AMAZING puppet show that we saw...we were thinking lame puppet show, but then this came out. Mind. Blown.

And I don't know why, but this was the funniest thing to me. It was a closed gift shop/merch storage room in the basement. It was like a sad/hilarious pet shop. I was the only one who found it funny. I don't know.

Then we hit the gift shop and I got socks that look like sharks eating my feet, astronaut ice cream (delicious), and the most amazing Tea-Rex mug from The Boyfriend. Just because I said in my last post that I wanted nothing for my birthday, doesn't mean that little things won't completely make my day.

I'm gonna go make some Tea(-Rex).

Next weekend is the Stanley Kubrick exhibit and then the space shuttle Endeavour! Turning (2)7 is pretty darn good. Give me dinosaurs, astronauts, museums, and people I love and I am on cloud nine.

A very merry un-birthday to you (or birthday if today is your day). I hope yours is as happy as mine is/will be.

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