Monday, August 13, 2012


I have this terrible habit of starting a blog, being super interested in it for a couple weeks...and then never posting again. My internet history is littered with blogs that I have abandoned over a year ago. Poor, lost blogs, left to their own in the vast internets.

I'm going to try something different with this one. I'm not going to quit it in a month. I'm not going to abandon it. I'm going to keep writing.

So, what am I going to write about?


Whatever thought was bouncing around in my head all day, whatever I'm feeling particularly passionate about, something amusing that happened, a memory from my childhood...and if none of that gets me to tell you a story, then I'll challenge myself by telling you a 100 word story. I'll try and be funny, I'll try and be sincere, I'll try and be honest (unless I'm writing you fiction), I'll try and be myself. I'll try not to censor myself or hold back.

Think of it as brain potpourri. Fun fact: for the longest time in my childhood, I thought it was called pot potpourri - reflexively, I wondered why nobody else called it that.

So, here we go. Not sure where this will all end up, but hopefully it won't end up with the other abandoned blogs. Poor things.

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