Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Just A Quickie...

I know, I know, I KNOW!

It's been ages since I've written anything here. And I have excuses and reasons for that. The main ones being that holidays stress me out. (thanks OCD and anxiety and lupus) I hate blaming my "medical labels" for the things I didn't get done, but sometimes it just happens to apply, but I still don't like it.

So, there were a lot of things I wanted to get done for Christmas, like hand-made presents for my friends, Christmas cards to people, and decorations. I ended up getting presents for my parents and The Boyfriend and then I was done. I packed and went home to Minnesota. There was snow, it was beautiful. (I'll do a full post on that with pictures, soon.)

Then it was the recovery after I got back to L.A., which was also New Year's. The Boyfriend and I got to have New Year's Eve together, and he was my first midnight kiss. Then it was trying to get back into the swing of things from the craziness of the holidays.

A week later, I got that cold/flu that everyone was raving about. I didn't want to be left out, you know. So after a weekend of coughing my lungs out and low fevers...I was finally well enough to trudge through the days of work...but it left me exhausted by the time I got home.

So that brings us to pretty much now.

I came to the realization last week (with the help of OCD) that I don't write much any more, and I love writing. It's like breathing, but also having surprise ice cream. Anyway, The Boyfriend, my therapist and I came to the conclusion that I was not "any less of my self" because I don't write as much currently and that a solution to this was to simply set aside a time to write each evening. If it doesn't happen, I'm not allowed to let OCD tell me I'm a bad person, but to at least try.

So, hopefully that will help me get back into the swing of writing, because I do love it and I realize how much I miss it when I finally get back to it.

So, dear readers, all is well with me. I've just been trying to get my life together, or at least back to a place where I feel balanced between the things that need to get done (like work and dishes) and the things I want to do (like writing and hanging out with The Boyfriend and adventures with friends).

I hope we all are able to find balance. I guess that's my New Year's Resolution. Balance...and forgiveness for myself.

Also, this is super exciting and wonderful...The Boyfriend and I will have been together for one year on Friday, Feburary 8. One year! It feels like we have always been together and that we have just met all at the same time. It makes me overwhelmingly happy.

More to come soon.



  1. #1 I smiled hard at you as you passed by my desk because I check your post everyday like a super stalker itching to see if you have written anything, and horray! You did! So thank you for that!

    #2 I am SO SO SOOOOOO Happy for you and Josh! 1 YEAR is a BIG Deal, and the rest just keep getting sweeter! I wish you guys all the rainbows and unicorns in the world! You two are SUPER ADORBZ!

    1. I'm glad you're my super stalker, I don't want anyone else. I'll try to get more things for you to stalk...er, I mean read, up here in the upcoming days/weeks/months. Thank you for all the support and encouragement and cheerleading. It honestly does keep me writing and going and makes everything happier. You make me happier.

      I'm happy for us, too. It's also nice to hear that it only gets better, so many people say that it fades or that it's all downhill after a while...but I don't seem to see that happening. If anything, I love him more.

      One of my favorite authors, John Green, has this amazing quote which is framed above our bed. It reads, "I fell in love like you fall asleep; slowly, then all at once."
