Thursday, October 4, 2012

Bargaining And Distractions By Kittens

Confession: It took me five tries to spell "bargaining" correctly...that red underline is the bane of my existence. For serious. I never picked up spelling like I should have and I know that EVERYONE says they're a bad speller, but I really am. I really really am. In tenth grade we had to write a one side essay on immigration during class. I had no trouble with this, but as the teacher was reading over it she paused and looked up at me.

"Elayna." She said. "Do you realize you spelled "immigrant" six different ways in these three paragraphs?"

To which I replied. "Is one of them correct?"


The fact that I got it correct once was good enough for me, the fact that I couldn't even spell it wrong the same way twice was concerning to my teacher. So it goes.


Oddly enough, I did not come here today to talk to you about my spelling ability, or lack there of. I came to first, apologize for not posting last week. It was wrong of me and I'm sorry.

Life got busy last week in a mix of good and bad things. Also, I've been working later at work because we're in crunch time and I can't work Saturdays due to prior engagements.

The good things included a baby being born to my best friend back home and a friend of a friend getting engaged. Bad included things like health issues of family members and general panic attacks and anxiety. Yay.


Man, that brings me back to second grade...

Onto things that make me happy. This week has been a little difficult, but I finally got myself to post for you. (and by you I mean the 50 times I check my own blog and the one person who might read it.) Anyway, happiness. That comes in the form of kittens.

I don't know if you have discovered the wonderfulness that is the live stream of kittens. They sleep a lot, but the adorable is off the charts. So, beware, because your productivity may or may not decrease. I am not responsible for any loss of productivity. Use kittens at your own risk.

And to wrap up, I have a proposition for you. I'm going to start something called Fiction Fridays. It won't be every Friday, but some Fridays you could get a bonus post of a short story that I will write just for you.

Exciting! Or something. AND, you get to help!

Your question is What are some useless super powers? Things like the power of static cling or the power of turing plaid instead of invisible. I mean, when extra abilities become common place in our society, if X-Men has taught me anything, is that there must be some abilities that are completely useless. Not everyone can be as awesome as Kitty Pryde (can pass through walls and whatnot) or Wolverine (retractable adamantium claws and super quick healing abilities).

Please leave your useless super abilities in the comments below, because I can't think of any others besides static cling and the ability of plaid. So, if you could please help me out, that would be awesome.

I mean, to defeat this superhero all you have to do is poke him anywhere on his head and he'll be in pain. I've definitely poked myself in the eye putting in my contacts or gesturing with my hands while speaking...and it's hurt quite a bit. So, maybe The Giant Eye is a poor super ability to have. And also, that whole issue of not having depth perception...right

To recap, put your super abilities in the comments below. Thanks and I will post next week...if all goes according to plan. (evil laughter)


  1. Elayna, your story about bad spelling made me laugh so much! I'm horrible at spelling too. When I was in school and we would take our standardized tests, I would score above average on everything except spelling. My scores were so low it was embarrassing.
    I can't think of any useless super powers, but my mom had an idea. What if you were able to twist your feet around completely and walk backwards?

    1. Bad spellers of the world untie! At least we're not alone.

      Backwards feet, love it! Thank you so much!

  2. how about the ability to make your knuckles crack whenever you want, a book really slowly, wait! am I a super hero?? The ability to make your dreams what you want them to be. The ability to make your leg pegleg. the ability to....know the time, without looking at a clock. (can you tell i'm running out of ideas? Oh yea, I didn't have any when I started writing this...) Maybe the ability to spell? or the ability to tell where/when to put the stupid apostrophe after chris's name and weather or not to write another s.

    Erm...I'm also the wife...not the husband.

    1. Love it! Leg into pegleg is great, also that element of pirate that makes it almost a cool power and then you remember... Wonderful.

      I think you must be a superhero...what with that knuckle cracking and book reading.

      Thanks so much for answering my question.

  3. I was going to say the ability to sneeze with your eyes open, but then there's that thing with Doctor Who and not blinking (that I only know from the song), so maybe that would be a useful power!

    1. I love that you make Doctor Who references only because of Trock and not because you've actually ever seen an episode. :)
