Probably not.
I didn't grow up in a family of doomsday alarmists. My parents didn't stockpile for Y2K, we didn't have an end of the world emergency plan, we didn't even have an emergency pack that apparently every home should have.
That rapture that should have happened 21 May 2011...not worried. Zombie apocalypse? I got that covered. Throw on some Thriller and that gives you at least 5 minutes to get away, because Zombies gotta dance.So, now that we're on the eve of 21 December 2012...I'm still not worried. This one is different though, like a milestone almost. I've been hearing about 12/21/12 most of my life. I remember being in about 3rd or 4th grade and sitting with my friends as we calculated how old we would be in 2012. 26. Which at the time sounded very adult and very old. We talked about how we would be married and have a few kids and the world was supposed to end, and then 26 didn't seem like enough time.
Here I am, 26 and about 12 hours from the end of the world (as we know it, and I feel fine). I don't have kids, I'm not married and I like my life. So, end of the world, come at me bro!
Tomorrow The Boyfriend and I are going to celebrate our Christmas Eve, we're going to get dressed up, go out for drinks and have a great time. On Saturday we're going to celebrate Christmas. Wake up, open presents, eat cinnamon rolls and watch bad 80s horror movies all day. Sunday I'm going back home to Minnesota to see family and have Christmas there. So, end of the world, you're just gonna have to wait because I wanna open presents!
Also, last weekend The Boyfriend and I got a kitten. Her name is Felix (because The Boyfriend and I had our first date at a bar named St. Felix AND Felix Felicis (Liquid Luck from Harry Potter)). She's pretty damn cute and I fully intend on spending a lot more time with her.
So, happy End of the World to you all. Live it up and wake up Saturday morning to a brand new day.
Happy Holidays to you all and welcome to the all the days after 12/21/12. May you have nothing but joy and happiness and love.
Also, everybody watch this. It sums it up pretty well.
Happy End of the World/Apocalypse to you all!!!!